Monday 15 September 2008

History of FACP

History of FACP

During the midsummer of the year 1979, Dr. Lucrecia R. Kasilag, the then chairman of the Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex and President of New Aspect Promotion Corporation, Mr. Hsu Po-Yun, had an in depth discussion about the cultural interactions on performing and visual arts amongst regions in Asia, and realized that many of the communications were limited with rare alliances or networks. In particular to the cross-continental activities between the east and west, the exchange at that time was very low; therefore, the effects of cultural events were minimal, costly, and inefficient. The flow of communications between each Asian region was of great deficit when compared to the interactions between Europe or America, and needless to say, the promotion of Asian cultures to the west was very scarce. Hence, Dr. Kasilag and Mr. Hsu initiated for the organization of “Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion”, and sat out to propose their mission to important people in Asia in the cultural promotion industry, and they hoped that a kinship between these members could be formed. Mr. Hsu was in charged of connecting the areas of North Eastern Asia, and Dr. Kasilag was in charged of the South Eastern regions. Through out two years’ span, they had visited Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and also cultural sectors of the United Nations. On August 11th of 1981 at the Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex, Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion was officially formed. Its founding representatives included Dr. Kasilag of Manila, Mr. Hsu Po-Yun of Taipei, Mr. Tadashi Yokoyama of Nippon Cultural Center, Mr. Seong-Tae Kim of Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, and also representative from UNESCO, Mr. Apratty. In the meeting, they came up with the following six prominent decisions:

1. Came to agreement that the organization will be named Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion (FACP). FACP shall be a non-political and non-profitable international cultural organization.

2. The Constitution was drafted by Dr. Kasilag and Mr. Hsu (the content was passed during the 2nd FACP in Taipei), and the final version was set after a editing and drafting process that took three years to complete.

3. Due to the special and complicated situations for the political and economical aspects for different regions and nations in Asia, it was a resolution that the Federation will be culturally based, and each region will be represented by its capital city; in order to avoid controversies due to political associations. Dr. Kasilag was nominated as the first chairman, Mr. Hsu as the secretary general, Mr. Kim as the international governors, Mr. Yokoyama as the treasurer, and President Marcos was invited to be the Honorary Chair. Each position was in office for three years. (Dr. Kasilag was elected again to be the chairman for the second term, and Dr. Jeanne Tchong Koei Li of Taipei was elected for the 3rd, 4th and 5th terms. Mr. Kang Suk-Heung of Seoul was elected for the 6th term, and Mr. Baltazar N. Endriga for the 7th term, Mr. Yoshiro Kambara of Tokyo for the 8th term, and Mr. Zhang Yu of Beijing for the 9th term. For the past 28th years, Mr. Hsu Po-Yun, Mr. John Duffs of Hong Kong, and Mr. Tadashi Yokoyama were appointed as the secretary general respectively.)

4. Assertively encourage important guests of honors and observers from Europe, America, Africa, Australia, etc… to participate.

5. Fortify the interaction between regions in Asia.

6. Agreed that the second annual conference will be held in Taipei, the 3rd in Tokyo, and the 4th in Seoul.

In the following years, its members increased exponentially with members from Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Macau, and Jakarta. In the year 1983, Beijing also appointed two observing guests to take part in the 3rd annual conference in Tokyo, and in the year 1990 at the 9th annual FACP conference, Melbourne representative was welcomed into the organization to become a member of FACP. (Melbourne applied to become member in 1985, and after 5 years of vigorous discussion, the region’s membership was finally approved.)

In the 90’s, a mid-term governor meeting would be held annually taking place in a different city each time, and some of the hosting cities were Bali Island, Lisbon of Portugal , Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Gyeongju, and etc…After the advancement in technology, the meeting was replaced by fax, and e-mail correspondences, and discussions were conducted via these modes of communications and brought forth to the Federation.

In the year 2001, regions of China with Beijing being the regional representative officially became FACP member. Following this, FACP began to include many subjects for discussion on Chinese cultural events, resources, information, and developments. Additionally, FACP also expanded its connections to the further eastern regions, and an example of this could be seen from the last annual conference in Urumqi, which is located at the eastern part of China and famous for its silk road. The representatives of FACP hoped that through this congregation at this location, a modern cultural silk road could be embarked.

The 25th FACP is being held at Taiwan’s southern harbor city, Kaohsiung. Kaohsiung is a city with immense potentials, and similar to Osaka of Japan, it’s also building its first multi-complex cultural park, Wei-wu-ying Center for the Performing Arts. The venue will consist of a grand theater with 2500 capacity, and a 2000 capacity concert hall, 1000 capacity play house, and a 400 capacity experimental theater. It will also have an outdoor venue that can hold up to 10000 people and is located in the 70 hectare art park. The venue is surrounded by school, commercial condominiums and leisure districts. Furthermore, Kaohsiung city is also building a 10000 capacity popular music center, and will be hosting the World Games in the year 2009. In the past nearly 30 years of FACP’s history, our federation strives to be one of the most important international performing arts and cultural promoting conference and one of the vital cultural organizations globally with emphasis on connecting the east and the west. We hope that each participating members and observers can benefit from FACP with increase in their cultural productions annually and enrich the art life in Asia.


  1979年仲夏之夜,菲律賓文化中心(Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex)主席卡西拉葛(Lucrecia R. Kasilag)博士與台北的新象活動推展中心(New Aspect Promotion Corporation)總監許博允(Hsu Po-Yun)先生,在馬尼拉慎重地談起20世紀以來,在亞洲地區的國際間交流文化活動不論是表演藝術或視覺藝術,大多是採單一作業的方式,極少聯合陣線,更遑論網狀系統鏈作業,尤其是東、西方跨洲際的行事活動,使得成效不大且費時、費事又費財,甚至亞洲各地區各國之間的交流,乃至鄰國的往來,反而比與歐美之間的交流差距懸殊,更甭提將東方藝術推廣至西方了。於是兩人便共同發起籌組「亞洲文化推展聯盟」,分頭遊說亞洲各地區承擔推動文化活動的主要負責人,喚起協力增進彼此間的聯繫之心,許博允負責連絡東北亞地區,卡西拉葛負責東南亞地區,當時以兩年的時間拜會日、韓、港、澳、新、馬、印尼及聯合國文教組織等,終於促成於1981年8月11日在馬尼拉菲律賓文化中心正式成立了「亞洲文化推展聯盟」(Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion),當時首次出席的與會代表除了馬尼拉的卡西拉葛博士、台北的許博允先生,並有財團法人日本文化財團(Nippon Cultural Center)的橫山正先生,漢城交響樂團(Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra)創史人的金聖泰(Seong-Tae Kim)先生,此外尚有聯合國文教組織(UNESCO)的代表阿普拉提先生,會中作了六項重要決定:
1. 決定組織名稱為亞洲文化推展聯盟(FACP)。FACP定向為非政治、非盈利的國際永久文化組織。
2. 「組織憲章」由卡西拉葛與許博允共同起草(並於第二屆在台北的FACP大會通過,爾後再以三年的時間修正定案而成現今版本)。
3. 有鑒於亞洲各地區、各國間的政治、經濟形勢的特殊性,本組織期盼全亞洲奉獻文化的人士均能參與為成員,因此決定以「文化機體」為主軸,而各地區原則上以首都之名稱為各地區「機體」之命名,以避免不同政治機體之爭議,並推選卡西拉葛為首任主席、許博允為秘書長、金聖泰為國際委員、橫山正為財務委員,並請馬可仕總統夫人為榮譽主席,每一任期三年。(第二任由卡西拉葛續任,此後第三、四、五任則由台北的李鍾桂博士(Jeanne Tchong Koei Li)連任,第六任漢城的姜錫興(Kang Suk-Heung)先生擔任,第七任則為馬尼拉的安德里加(Baltazar N. Endriga)先生,第八任東京的神原詩朗(Yoshiro Kambara)先生,第九任由北京的張宇(Zhang Yu)擔任,而28年來的秘書長則由許博允、香港的杜尊輝先生(John Duffs)先生、及東京橫山正先生接力擔任至今,這自然成為歷史上的創舉。)
4. 積極邀請西方歐美、非、澳文化界重要人士與會為貴賓觀察代表。
5. 強化亞洲間區域的交流。
6. 確定第二屆在台北,第三屆在東京,第四屆在漢城擴大舉行。

Thursday 6 December 2007

Photos of the 25th FACP

For photos from this year's FACP, please link over to:

Thank you to Mr. Isao Nakatsubo for providing many of the photos he took through out the conference.

Wednesday 5 December 2007

25th FACP Directory

25th FACP Host Region Taipei Delegates

李鍾桂Li Tchong-Koei
The Foundation for Virtues
3F., No.219, Songjiang Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-2502-8053 FAX: +886-2-2502-8170

吳靜吉Wu Jing-Jyi
Fulbright Taiwan: Foundation for Scholarly Exchange
2F., No.45, Yanping S. Rd., Taipei 10043, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-2388-2100 FAX: +886-2-2388-2855

許博允Hsu Po-Yun
International New Aspect Cultural & Educational Foundation
10F., No.20, Sec. 3, Bade Rd., Songshan District, Taipei City 105, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-2577-2568 FAX: +886-2-2577-3378
廖蕙芬Anna Liao
Tel: 886-2-2577-2568 Fax: 886-2-2577-3233

陳以亨Chen I-Heng
National Sun Yat-Sen University
No. 70 Lien-hai Rd., Kaohsiung 804 , Taiwan
TEL: +86-7 525 2000#4928

江靖波 Chiang Ching-po
Philharmonia Moments Musical
No.78, Min-Chuan E. Rd, Taipei, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-2505-0859FAX: +886-2-2517-6578
E-MAIL: paul@mmmu.rog

林一鳳 Lin I-Feng
Kaohsiung City Chinese Orchestra
5 F, No.99, Ho-Hsi Rd., Yen-Chen District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-5354358

楊傳芬Yang Chuan-Fen
吳孟真Wu Meng-Chien
The Lan Yang Youth Catholic Center
No. 189, Sec. 1, Shui-Cheng Rd., Lo-Tung Town, I-Lan, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-2722-1216FAX: +886-2-2723-7469

周敦仁Chou Tun-rern
李宜芳Li Yi-Fang
Ars Formosa Company
5-2 F, No. 1, Fu- Xing N. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-2771-5676FAX: +886-2-2771-5670

曾琬瑜Betty Tseng
Round Table PCO
1F, No. 20, Lane 16, Sec. 2, Chung-Shan N. Rd., Chung-Shan District, Taipei, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-25622568#113 FAX: +886-2-25651255

郭玲娟Kuo Lin-Chuan
Yi-Tzy Folk Dance Troupe
No. 31, Jen-Te 2 St. Jen-Te Town, Tainan, Taiwan
TEL: +886-6-2701463 FAX: +886-6-2791045

席時葳Hsi Shih- Wei
Yi-Tzy Folk Dance Troupe
No. 31, Jen-Te 2 St. Jen-Te Town, Tainan, Taiwan
TEL: +886-6-2701463 FAX: +886-6-2791045

許福助Hsu Fu-Chu
Fu-Hsing-Ke Shadow Puppet Troupe
No. 3, Yen-Kang 1 Rd., Mi-To Town, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-6179869 FAX: +886-7-6109551

韋國泰Wei Kuo-Tai
National GouGuang Opera Company
5F, No.77, Sec. 3, Mujha Rd., Wunshan District, Taipei City 116, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-582-8753#51

林娟妃lin Chuan-Fei
National GouGuang Opera Company
5F, No.77, Sec. 3, Mujha Rd., Wunshan District, Taipei City 116, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-582-8753

Taipei City Government Department of Culture
No.1, Shihfu Rd., Sinyi District, Taipei City 110, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-2345-1556

Kaohsiung City Government Department of Culture
No.67, Wufu 1st Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-222-5136

林朝號Lin Chao-Hao
Preparatory Office of the Wei-Wu-Ying Center for the Arts
No.30-1, Beiping E. Rd., Jhongjheng District, Taipei City 100, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-3343-6340 FAX: +886-2-2343-4185

辜懷群Ku Huai-chun
Novel Hall for Performing Arts
No.3, Songshou Rd., Sinyi District, Taipei City 110, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-2722-4302 x 7502FAX: +886-2-2722-4301

劉若瑀Liu Jo-Yu
U Theater
B1, No.72, Sec. 4, Singlong Rd., Wunshan District, Taipei City 116, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-2938-8188 FAX: +886-2-2938-8189

林秀偉Lin Hsiu- Wei
The Contemporary Legend Theater
3F.-1, No.40, Sec. 2, Tingjhou Rd., Jhongjheng District, Taipei City 100, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-2369-2616FAX: +886-2-2369-2667

朱宗慶Chu Tsung-Ching
The Ju Percussion Group
B1, No.10, Daye Rd., Beitou District, Taipei City 112, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-2891-9900FAX: +886-2-2896-9933

陳錦海Chen Chin-Hai
Jin-Ing-Ger Puppet Troupe
No.559, Jiouru 4th Rd., Gushan
District, Kaohsiung City 804, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-5219075

張英嬌Chang Ying-Chiao
Yong-Sing-Le Shadow Puppet Troupe
No.24, Lane 2, Jhongjheng Rd., Mituo Township, Kaohsiung County 827, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-617-5552FAX: +886-7-619-5470

薛熒源Hsueh Ying-Yuen
Chin-Fei_Feng Puppet Troupe
No.48, Lane 138, Minsheng Rd., Alian Village, Alian Township, Kaohsiung County 822, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-6315922 FAX: +886-7-6318965

張秀如Chang Huiu-Ju
Kaohsiung City Ballet
3F., No.96, Sihwei 2nd Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-7715483 FAX: +886-7-7150460

蘇啟仁Su Chi-Jen
Jazz Ballet Kaoshiung
B1, No.22, Jhongjheng 2nd Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-2254765 FAX: +886-7-2242879

李慧美Li Hui-Mei
Fan-Mei Dance Company
5F., No.159, Jhonghua 4th Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-269-1966 FAX: +886-7-269-2822

王紫綸Wang Tzu-Lun
Zuyun Culture Music Dance Company
No.126, Siaogang Rd., Siaogang District, Kaohsiung City 812, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-8152146 FAX: +886-7-8055528 

郭春美Kuo Chun-Mei
Chun-Mei Taiwanese Opera Troupe
830 高雄縣鳳山市凱旋路397號
No.397, Kaisyuan Rd., Fongshan City, Kaohsiung County 830, Taiwan
TEL: +886-7-766-7922FAX: +886-7-766-8949

25th FACP International Members Directory


Thuy Thanh Nguyen
Transposition Cultural Exchange Norway and Vietnam Project
112 Truong Dinh Street, Hanoi , Vietnam
Tel: 84-8631 831 Fax: 84-4-9343 966

Nguyen Thi Hai Van
International Relations Department of Hanoi Conservatory of Music
NHAC VIEN HANOI, O Cho Dua, Dongda, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 84-4851 4969

Pham Vu Thanh
Hochiminh City Conservatory
112 Nguyen Du, dist. 1, HCMC, Vietnam
Tel: 84-8-822 5841 Fax: 84-8-822 0916

Ngo Hoang Quan
Vietnam National Symphony Orchestra
226 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 84-4-833 7847 Fax: 84-4-833 4968

Vo Dang Tin
Hochiminh City Ballet & Symphony Orchestra
226 Cau Giay Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 84-4-833 7847 Fax: 84-4-833 4968

Hong Kong

Margaret Yang
Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited
7/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG
Tel: (852) 2836 3336 Fax: (852) 2783 9819


Martin Lopez
Far Eastern University & Sinag Tala Arts Management Philippines
455 P. Guevara Stree, San Juan Metro Manila, Philippines
Tel: 632-726 1567 Fax: 632-725 6644


Hyun-Jung Kim
Dong-A Ilbo Daily Seoul
Tel: 82-2-2020 0731 Fax: 82-2-2020 1639

Garden Seo
Korea National University of Arts
(Industry-Academy Cooperation Group)
San1-5, Seokgwan-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-716, Korea
Tel: 82-2-746-9056 Fax: 82-2-746-9059

David Kwangmin Lee
Arcadia Records & Music Management, Inc.
192-2, Gayang-dong, (A&C TV Bldg 3F) Seoul 157-801 , Korea
Tel: +82-31-932-8370 Fax: +82-31-932-8373
Ji Hee You
Tel: 82-31-932-8371

Jung Soo Jun
Mumhua Broadcasting Corp
31 Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 150-728, Korea
Tel: 82-2-780 3727 Fax: 82-2-789 3903

Chang Hyun Ju
Korea Arts Management Service
Bosaeng Building 2F, 1-50, Dongsung-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-809, Korea
Tel: +82-2-745-3072 Fax: +82-2-745-2071
Park Pyoungki
Kang Minkyung
An Ju Eun
Ko Jung Wan

In Gun Park
Gyeonggi Arts Center
Tel: 82-31-230-3211 Fax: 82-31-230-3275
Yo Han Cho
Tel: 82-31-230-3261 Fax: 82-31-230-3275
Hyun Young Kim
Tel: 82-31-230-3211 Fax: 82-31-230-3275
Yoo Ri, Son
Tel: 82-31-230-3264 Fax: 82-31-230-3275

Hye Yong Lee
Credia Cultural Service Group
Tel: +82-2-751-9607 Fax: +82-2-751-9604

Seung Mo Yang
Joongang Cultural Media
Tel: 82-2-751-9682 Fax: 82-2-751-9640

Sun Young Lee
Performing Arts Management Association of Korea
Tel: 82-2-785-6843 Fax: 82-2-785-6846

Mattia Song
Korea Arts Cultural Center
Tel: 82-62-374-2524 Fax: 82-62-376-0223


劉德明Liu De Ming
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

錢鳳娟 Qian Feng Juan
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

金順德Jin Shunde
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

劉瑋琳Liu Wei Lin
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

楊申Yang Shen
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

馬志民Ma Zhimin
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

何佳熊He Jia Xiong
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

魯家駿Lu Jia Jun
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

牛雅琴Niu Ya Qin
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

陳虹Chen Hong
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

潘勁勁Pan Jinjin
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

吳菊琴Wu Ju Qin
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

陳蓉蓉Chen Rong Rong
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81

張明珠Zhang Ming Zhu
Shanghai Performance Trade Association
Room 1604, No. 699, Ciao-hou Rd, Ching-an District, Shanghai, China, 200040
TEL: +86-21-62722471 FAX: +86-21-62722471#81


Liew Chin Choy劉進財
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
80 Bencoolen Street, Sinagpore 189655
Tel:65-6512 4008 Fax: 65-6883 1042

Raymund Ooi
Limelite Productions Pte Ltd
Pico Creative Centre, 20 Kallang Avenue, Singapore 339411
Tel : 65 6299 0336 Fax : 65 6299 5809

Sylvia Ng Siow-Hui 黃曉慧
See Yan Hong施燕虹
Yeu Chyn Chong張羽晴
Li Chen Lee李麗貞
Singapore Chinese Orchestra
7 Shenton Way, Singapore Conference Hall, Singapore 068810Tel: 65- 65574047 Fax: 65- 65572756E-mail:


Tadashi Yokoyama
Federation of Asian Culture Promotion –Secretary General
Hikarigaoka6-1-1-9099, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 179-0072 JapanTel: 81-3-3977 4816 Fax: 81-3-3977 4816

Nakatsubo Isao
Nakatsubo Arts Service
2005.Sky-Heights-Tokai,1-13 Tomiya-cho Kanagawa-ku,Yokohama 221-0821. Japan
TEL:81-45-434 1551 FAX:81-45-434 8123

Naoaki Hirabayashi
Concert Imagine
(Project Department of Concert Service Co., Ltd.)
35 Kaitai-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0802, JapanTel: 81-3-3235 7772 Fax: 81-3-3235 3855E-mail:

Nakao Tamaki 中尾玉樹
Saga Hideo佐賀英生
Aya Yoshigoe吉越文
Pacific Concert Management, Inc
dig 4th floor 2-8-7 Minato Chuo-ku Tokyo Japan
Tel: 81-3-3552 3831 Fax: 81-3-3553 4800

Mitsutoshi Katoh
Aspen Incorporated
2-20-16 Nishi-Azabu,Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031, JapanTel: 81-3-5467-0081 Fax: 81-3-5468-0066E-mail:

Naomoto Okayama
Association of Japanese Symphony Orchestras
Arca Central 7F, 1-2-1 Kinshi, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0013, JapanTel: 81-3-5610 7275 Fax: 81-3-5610 7276


Tserenjigmed Sharavtseren
State Music and Dance College of Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar-13/1430. Central Post Office. Mongolia
Tel: 976-9917-1031

25th FACP International Guests & Observers (Associate Members) Directory


Robert Bailey
AMS Planning & Research
915 D StreetPetaluma, CA 94952
Tel: 707-778 8445 Fax: 707-769 0329E-mail:


Trudy Wright
Harrison Parrott London
HarrisonParrott12 Penzance Place, London, W11 4PATel: 44-20 7313 3546 Fax: 44-20 7221 5042

Martin Huber
Managing the Arts - worldwide magazine
151 Ladywell Road, London SE13 7HZ
United Kingdom
Tel: 44-20 8123 9580

Kristina Aljinovic
Specialised Travel Ltd
12-15 Hanger Green, London W5 3EL, UK Tel: 44-20 8799 8322 Fax: 44-20 8998 7965 Email:


John Lambert
John Lambert & Assoc Inc
2141, boul. St-Joseph E, Montreal Qc, Canada H2H 1E6Tel: (1) 514 982 6825 Fax: (1) 514 982 6118Email:

New York

Maria Flotta
Broadway Asia Company, LLC
729 Seventh Ave., 12th Floor, New York, NY 10019
Tel:: 212-302-5559 Fax: 212-302-8094
Adam Gentle


Michael Springer
Künstlersekretariat Buchmann GmbH
Schachnerstrasse 27, 1220 Wien
Tel.:43-1- 203 63 57 Fax: 43-1- 204 37 50

Sunday 25 November 2007

25th FACP Organizing Committee Executive Chairperson's (Dr. JeanneTchong Koei Li) Greeting

Joy and Delight as Friends Gather Together from Afar

First of all, I would like to express my utmost joy to welcome all the friends gathered here for the 25th Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion (FACP), and special welcome to all our friends traveling from abroad; you honor us with your presence.

Since the founding of FACP in 1981, it has been held four times in Taiwan, with two conferences held in Taipei and twice in Kaohsiung. The 25th FACP has returned here after 14 years, and the revisit makes the 25th conference ever more special and meaningful to us. Thinking back on the past thirty years, there have been many drastic changes in the entire globe for our living circumstances, and the communications and interactions between regions and nations have increased enormously. The changes are allowing for cultural strategic alliances to form and to play integral parts in the cross-continental cultural production chain.

The promotion of FACP is not limited to only cultural events; it also extends to the improvements of areas of the related technical aspects, the increase of economic benefits, and the rise of public appreciation level. In particular after entering into the 21st century, the members of FACP have strived hard to help and promote cross-nation and cross-over artistic productions and to let culture to become a part of modern-day life. FACP not only is a platform, it also plays the role of a linking bridge. With the conference being held annually, professional seminars and innovative artistic events are presented to allow for new sparks and interactions.

As the chairwoman of the 25th FACP organizing committee, I would like to express our most sincere appreciations to the FACP headquarter, Council for Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government for their immense support and sponsorship. Also thank you to the guests of honor, keynote speakers, professional scholars, and the entire working staff; because of your devotion, this year’s conference can come to fruition with valuable and meaningful contents. Finally, I wish everyone will have an enjoyable and meaningful experience here.

Dr. JeanneTchong Koei Li
25th FACP Organizing Committee Executive Chairperson

有朋自遠方來 不亦悅乎


History of FACP

History of FACP

During the midsummer of the year 1979, Dr. Lucrecia R. Kasilag, the then chairman of the Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex and President of New Aspect Promotion Corporation, Mr. Hsu Po-Yun, had an in depth discussion about the cultural interactions on performing and visual arts amongst regions in Asia, and realized that many of the communications were limited with rare alliances or networks. In particular to the cross-continental activities between the east and west, the exchange at that time was very low; therefore, the effects of cultural events were minimal, costly, and inefficient. The flow of communications between each Asian region was of great deficit when compared to the interactions between Europe or America, and needless to say, the promotion of Asian cultures to the west was very scarce. Hence, Dr. Kasilag and Mr. Hsu initiated for the organization of “Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion”, and sat out to propose their mission to important people in Asia in the cultural promotion industry, and they hoped that a kinship between these members could be formed. Mr. Hsu was in charged of connecting the areas of North Eastern Asia, and Dr. Kasilag was in charged of the South Eastern regions. Through out two years’ span, they had visited Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and also cultural sectors of the United Nations. On August 11th of 1981 at the Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex, Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion was officially formed. Its founding representatives included Dr. Kasilag of Manila, Mr. Hsu Po-Yun of Taipei, Mr. Tadashi Yokoyama of Nippon Cultural Center, Mr. Seong-Tae Kim of Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, and also representative from UNESCO, Mr. Apratty. In the meeting, they came up with the following six prominent decisions:

1. Came to agreement that the organization will be named Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion (FACP). FACP shall be a non-political and non-profitable international cultural organization.
2. The Constitution was drafted by Dr. Kasilag and Mr. Hsu (the content was passed during the 2nd FACP in Taipei), and the final version was set after a editing and drafting process that took three years to complete.
3. Due to the special and complicated situations for the political and economical aspects for different regions and nations in Asia, it was a resolution that the Federation will be culturally based, and each region will be represented by its capital city; in order to avoid controversies due to political associations. Dr. Kasilag was nominated as the first chairman, Mr. Hsu as the secretary general, Mr. Kim as the international governors, Mr. Yokoyama as the treasurer, and President Marcos was invited to be the Honorary Chair. Each position was in office for three years. (Dr. Kasilag was elected again to be the chairman for the second term, and Dr. Jeanne Tchong Koei Li of Taipei was elected for the 3rd, 4th and 5th terms. Mr. Kang Suk-Heung of Seoul was elected for the 6th term, and Mr. Baltazar N. Endriga for the 7th term, Mr. Yoshiro Kambara of Tokyo for the 8th term, and Mr. Zhang Yu of Beijing for the 9th term. For the past 28th years, Mr. Hsu Po-Yun, Mr. John Duffs of Hong Kong, and Mr. Tadashi Yokoyama were appointed as the secretary general respectively.)
4. Assertively encourage important guests of honors and observers from Europe, America, Africa, Australia, etc… to participate.
5. Fortify the interaction between regions in Asia.
6. Agreed that the second annual conference will be held in Taipei, the 3rd in Tokyo, and the 4th in Seoul.

In the following years, its members increased exponentially with members from Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Macau, and Jakarta. In the year 1983, Beijing also appointed two observing guests to take part in the 3rd annual conference in Tokyo, and in the year 1990 at the 9th annual FACP conference, Melbourne representative was welcomed into the organization to become a member of FACP. (Melbourne applied to become member in 1985, and after 5 years of vigorous discussion, the region’s membership was finally approved.)
In the 90’s, a mid-term governor meeting would be held annually taking place in a different city each time, and some of the hosting cities were Bali Island, Lisbon of Portugal , Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Gyeongju, and etc…After the advancement in technology, the meeting was replaced by fax, and e-mail correspondences, and discussions were conducted via these modes of communications and brought forth to the Federation.

In the year 2001, regions of China with Beijing being the regional representative officially became FACP member. Following this, FACP began to include many subjects for discussion on Chinese cultural events, resources, information, and developments. Additionally, FACP also expanded its connections to the further eastern regions, and an example of this could be seen from the last annual conference in Urumqi, which is located at the eastern part of China and famous for its silk road. The representatives of FACP hoped that through this congregation at this location, a modern cultural silk road could be embarked.

The 25th FACP is being held at Taiwan’s southern harbor city, Kaohsiung. Kaohsiung is a city with immense potentials, and similar to Osaka of Japan, it’s also building its first multi-complex cultural park, Wei-wu-ying Center for the Performing Arts. The venue will consist of a grand theater with 2500 capacity, and a 2000 capacity concert hall, 1000 capacity play house, and a 400 capacity experimental theater. It will also have an outdoor venue that can hold up to 10000 people and is located in the 70 hectare art park. The venue is surrounded by school, commercial condominiums and leisure districts. Furthermore, Kaohsiung city is also building a 10000 capacity popular music center, and will be hosting the World Games in the year 2009.

In the past nearly 30 years of FACP’s history, our federation strives to be one of the most important international performing arts and cultural promoting conference and one of the vital cultural organizations globally with emphasis on connecting the east and the west. We hope that each participating members and observers can benefit from FACP with increase in their cultural productions annually and enrich the art life in Asia.


  1979年仲夏之夜,菲律賓文化中心(Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex)主席卡西拉葛(Lucrecia R. Kasilag)博士與台北的新象活動推展中心(New Aspect Promotion Corporation)總監許博允(Hsu Po-Yun)先生,在馬尼拉慎重地談起20世紀以來,在亞洲地區的國際間交流文化活動不論是表演藝術或視覺藝術,大多是採單一作業的方式,極少聯合陣線,更遑論網狀系統鏈作業,尤其是東、西方跨洲際的行事活動,使得成效不大且費時、費事又費財,甚至亞洲各地區各國之間的交流,乃至鄰國的往來,反而比與歐美之間的交流差距懸殊,更甭提將東方藝術推廣至西方了。於是兩人便共同發起籌組「亞洲文化推展聯盟」,分頭遊說亞洲各地區承擔推動文化活動的主要負責人,喚起協力增進彼此間的聯繫之心,許博允負責連絡東北亞地區,卡西拉葛負責東南亞地區,當時以兩年的時間拜會日、韓、港、澳、新、馬、印尼及聯合國文教組織等,終於促成於1981年8月11日在馬尼拉菲律賓文化中心正式成立了「亞洲文化推展聯盟」(Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion),當時首次出席的與會代表除了馬尼拉的卡西拉葛博士、台北的許博允先生,並有財團法人日本文化財團(Nippon Cultural Center)的橫山正先生,漢城交響樂團(Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra)創史人的金聖泰(Seong-Tae Kim)先生,此外尚有聯合國文教組織(UNESCO)的代表阿普拉提先生,會中作了六項重要決定:
1. 決定組織名稱為亞洲文化推展聯盟(FACP)。FACP定向為非政治、非盈利的國際永久文化組織。
2. 「組織憲章」由卡西拉葛與許博允共同起草(並於第二屆在台北的FACP大會通過,爾後再以三年的時間修正定案而成現今版本)。
3. 有鑒於亞洲各地區、各國間的政治、經濟形勢的特殊性,本組織期盼全亞洲奉獻文化的人士均能參與為成員,因此決定以「文化機體」為主軸,而各地區原則上以首都之名稱為各地區「機體」之命名,以避免不同政治機體之爭議,並推選卡西拉葛為首任主席、許博允為秘書長、金聖泰為國際委員、橫山正為財務委員,並請馬可仕總統夫人為榮譽主席,每一任期三年。(第二任由卡西拉葛續任,此後第三、四、五任則由台北的李鍾桂博士(Jeanne Tchong Koei Li)連任,第六任漢城的姜錫興(Kang Suk-Heung)先生擔任,第七任則為馬尼拉的安德里加(Baltazar N. Endriga)先生,第八任東京的神原詩朗(Yoshiro Kambara)先生,第九任由北京的張宇(Zhang Yu)擔任,而28年來的秘書長則由許博允、香港的杜尊輝先生(John Duffs)先生、及東京橫山正先生接力擔任至今,這自然成為歷史上的創舉。)
4. 積極邀請西方歐美、非、澳文化界重要人士與會為貴賓觀察代表。
5. 強化亞洲間區域的交流。
6. 確定第二屆在台北,第三屆在東京,第四屆在漢城擴大舉行。

25th FACP Conference Kaohsiung Itinerary

25th FACP Conference Kaohsiung Itinerary
DAY ONE November 29th, 2007 (Thursday)

Registration at hotel Lobby
Please pay for membership and registration fee at the FACP service tables located at the hotel lobby, and receive 25th FACP Conference ID Pass and meals and Performance vouchers
FACP Governors please meet at hotel lobby to go to the meeting place at the First Conference Hall of Kaohsiung Culture Center (15 min by car)
Governors’ meeting, and FACP Chairman election
@ First Conference Hall of Kaohsiung Culture Center
Address: No.67, Wufu 1st Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City
All participants please meet at hotel lobby to be transported to the Opening Ceremony at the Kaohsiung Culture Center (15 min by car)
Opening Ceremony
VIP、FACP Members
Welcome Greetings with Puppets Performance (the Culture Center Anteroom)
Performing groups: Yong-hsing-le Shadow Puppet Theater、Chin-ying-ko Puppet Theater、Chin-fe-fong Fantoccini Theater
Kaohsiung Performing Arts’ New Vitality
Dancing Kaohsiung(Chih-shan Hall of Kaohsiung Culture Center)
Performing groups: Jazz Ballet Kaohsiung、Kaohsiung City Ballet、Fanmei Dancing Company

DAY TWO November 30th, 2007 (Friday)
All conference sessions will take place on the 20th floor of the Ambassador Hotel

Taipei Representative report
Speaker:: Mr. Lin Chao-hao / Director of the Preparatory Office of the Wei-wu-ying Center for the Performing Arts
Topic: Creating the New Space for Taiwan Performing Arts
Representatives’ reports of regions in Asia
Moderator: Mrs. Jeanne Tchong Koei Li/ Governor of FACP
1.Representative from Taipei: Mr. I-heng Chen/Governor, the 25th
FACP Taipei Organizing Committee
2.Representative from Tokyo:Mr. Naoaki Hirabayashi/Concert Service Corp. Ltd.
3.Representative from Seoul: Mr. David K. Lee/Governor of FACP, President of Arcadia Records & Music Management
4.Representative from Manila: Mr. Martin Lopez, Executive DirectorSinagTala Arts Management Philippines
Tea Break
Representatives’ reports of regions in Europe, America, and Asia
Moderator: Governor of FACP
1.Representative from Europe:Mr. Martin Huber/Publisher, Managing the Arts Worldwide
2.Representative from Ulaanbaatar:Mr. Tserenjigmed Sharavtseren (Founder of Chuluun Art Foundation , Piano Faculty of Music and Dance College Ulaanbaatar)
3.Representative from Hochiminh City: Mr. Pham Vu Thanh: Vice
Director of Hochiminh City Conservatory of Music
Lunch & Break
Please meet at hotel lobby for the scenic boat ride
Cultural Tour in the Water Shore City
Feel the magnificence of Kaohsiung harbor by boat and enjoy the sunset at the Hsitzu Beach and the beautiful scene of the British Consulate at Dakao.
Kaohsiung Performing Arts's New Vitality
Sitzu Drumming (Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall)
Performing groups: The Ju Percussion Group、The U Theater

DAY THREE December 1st, 2007 (Saturday)
Performing arts online
Moderator: Governor of FACP
Speaker: Ms. Josephine Cheng/
Director, Yahoo Search & Community Business Services
Tea Break
How can an Asian city improve its image through cultural and arts?
Moderator: Governor of FACP
1. Mr. Mitsutoshi Kato(Vice President of Aspen Incorporated)
2. Mr. Martin Huber / Publisher, Managing the Arts Worldwide
3. Mr. Chyi-wen Yang/Artistic Director, National Chiang Kai ShekCulture Center
Lunch & Break
How can an Asian city establish its brand through festival activities in this global era?
Moderator: Governor of FACP
1.Mr. Wan-long Hong/Chair-professor
Topic: Recreating the New Scene of Hengchun Peninsula
2. Mr. Garden Seo/Project Manager, Industry-Academy Cooperation
Group, Korea National University of Arts
Topic: "Festivals in Korea: Opportunity or Threat"
3.Ms. Shang-yin Chen/Assistant Professor
Tea Break
Dealing with intellectual property rights.
Moderator: Mr. Jing-Jyi Wu
Speaker: Mr. Tung-Hsien Tsai /Lee & Li Attorneys-at-Law
Please meet at hotel lobby to take the walk along
Love River to the performance Kaohsiung City Music Hall Outdoor Square) (15 min walk)
Kaohsiung Performing Arts’ New Vitality
Frolicking Water Shore
Kaohsiung City Music Hall Outdoor Square
Performing groups:Kaohsiung City Chinese Orchestra, Zu-Yun Cultural Music and Dance Group, The Henan Opera Troupe, Shang-ho Taiwanese Opera Troupe, The Contemporary Legend Theatre

DAY Four December 2nd, 2007 (Sunday)
Session 7:Professional Seminars
A: Compare and contrast of various styles and cultures of musicals
Session speakers:
1. Mr. Jing-Jyi Wu: Executive director of the Fulbright Foundation in Taiwan
2. Mr. Shijin Qian: Art Director of Shanghai Grand Theater
3. Mr. Fu-Fu Hsu: General Manager, International New Aspect Cultural and Educational Foundation

B:Asian performing arts’ attraction to touring abroad
Session speaker:
Mrs. Shao-wei Lin: Taigu Tales Dance Theater Founder, Contemporary Legend Theatre, Producer & Administration Director

C:Cross over production of different cultures and boundaries
Session Speakers:
1.Mrs. Vivien Huai-chun Ku/ Managing Director, Novel Hall for Performing Arts CEO, the Koo Foundation
2.Mr. Danny Yang/ Artistic Director, Zuni Icosahedron Chairman, World Culture Forum - Asia Pacific Alliance
Tea Break
General Assembly
Session moderator: Mr. Tadashi Yokoyama
Session speaker: the new FACP Chairman
Closing Ceremony & Lunch

End of 25th FACP

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Past Hosting Cities and Topics for FACP 1981-2006

08/11-12,1981 Manila

  • Promotion of inherrent cultures in the Asian region
  • Sending touring groups to the west
  • Audience development
  • Cultural exchanges and relationship

12/15-16,1982 Taipei

  • Benefits of subscription system of ticketing
  • Problem of financing cultural exchanges programs
  • Assembling attractive Asian art groups, development of art
  • relationships among various regional cultures

12/10-12,1983 Tokyo

  • Feasibility study into the development of a center for information and exchanges
  • The performing arts in the Asian region

12/04-16,1985 Seoul

  • Promotion of cultural exchanges in both Asian and non-Asian regions
  • General discussion on the draft for the UNESCO proposal for the establishment of an information center
  • Business sponsorship of theatres
  • The success and growth of the Hong Kong Philharmonic

12/18-21, 1986 Taipei

  • Promoting arts to growing audience

12/17-19, 1987 Singapore

  • Computerization in arts management and communication systems
  • The law and arts management

01/14-15,1989 Yokohama

  • Computer ticketing system in Japan
  • Concert promotion in Japan: How concerts are organized and the roles of agents and local sponsors

01/11-15,1990 Macau

  • New performing venues in the Asian region (Seoul Arts Center,
  • Hong Kong Cultural Centre and other venues in Hong Kong, new performing halls in Tokyo, the Thailand Cultural Centre in Bangkok and the National Theatre and Concert Hall in Taipei
  • Discussion for an Asian Music Festival organized by FACP

01/11-14,1991 Chian Mai

  • Report on the conference for the Pacific-basin Performing Art
  • Communication held in Tokyo in Nov.,1990 by Mr. Tadao Nakane, Secretary-General of the PBPAC
  • Taxation, sponsorship, customs procedures and venue rentals in various countries within Asia
  • Practical problems facing concert managers: how to improve the standard of promotion and performance
  • A feasibility study of the FACP constitution and by-law

01/11-12,1992 Hong Kong

  • Globalism vs.Regionalism: cultural identity dilemma
  • How to create attractive projects

01/08-10, 1993 Kaoshiung

  • Cross cultural arts collaboration in Asia, Production and promotion
  • Effective programming of cultural exchanges
  • Exploring social resources in cultural promotion

10/07-09,1994 Seoul

  • Promotion of cultural contacts beyond Asian region
  • Effective programming of cultural exchanges
  • Exploring social resources in cultural promotion

01/06-08,1995 Kobe

  • Networking and exchanges of data among managers' associations
  • Promotion of the Asian performing arts to the rest of the world
  • Strategy on programming for the future

01/05-07,1996 Melbourne

  • Introduction to the Asian market
  • Money-how to get it
  • Asian influence on Australian music

01/14-16,1997 Hong Kong

  • Government funding
  • Private support
  • Performing arts opportunity in China
  • Arts marketing - new development in Asia-Pacific

02/05-07,1998 Manila

  • Beyond boarders: GATT/WTO and cultural exchanges
  • Strategies for increased regional cooperation
  • Focus on Asia: Asian arts festival
  • Focus on the Philippines

01/22-24,1999 Macau

  • Strategies to coop with the economic crisis
  • Balance of artistic activities between East and West
  • Promises in the horizon: New performing arts centres in Asia
  • Business and arts: toward a practical Utopia

01/21-23, 2000 Singapore

  • Arts, people and places: a future viewpoint
  • Co-production and collaboration
  • New directions in arts management
  • Conference and communications: surveys and open discussion

01/12-15,2001 Beijing

  • Cultural exchanges with foreign countries
  • Production and marketing management of the performing arts in China
  • Heritage and traditional culture in China
  • China's performing arts market
  • The role of government in the development of performing arts
  • Performing arts marketing in the information age
  • Production of performing arts on commercial use 

01/18-20,2002 Jeju

  • Strategy for operating of the performing arts venues in the degital age
  • Development of marketing tool for performing art in the digital age
  • How to develop education programs for the art administration in the region
  • Focus on Korea (cultural scene of the North Korea)

08/28-30, 2003 Tokyo

Cancelled due to SARS

05/28-30,2004 Shanghai

  • How western performances get into the Chinese cultural market
  • How the Chinese performances get into the western culture market
  • What Shanghai can offer to the 2010 World Expo from the culture aspects

10/28-30,2005 Bangkok

  • Management of the arts in Asia
  • Latest development in China
  • Information to the performing arts in Thailand
  • Developing professional management skill
  • Building and maintaining audiences
  • Future prospects for the performing arts in Asia
  • New trend in the performing arts
  • Outlook for the traditional arts of Asia
  • New venues in Asia
  • Music in Asia
  • Touring western musicals
  • Creating new Asian-based musicals

09/21-25,2006 Urmuchi

  • The varieties and management in Xinjiang
  • Entertainment and culture - A blurring the line
  • The reform of present China cultural system
  • Problems and solution of national culture today
  • Targey and function: how FACP should go