- Promotion of inherrent cultures in the Asian region
- Sending touring groups to the west
- Audience development
- Cultural exchanges and relationship
12/15-16,1982 Taipei
- Benefits of subscription system of ticketing
- Problem of financing cultural exchanges programs
- Assembling attractive Asian art groups, development of art
- relationships among various regional cultures
12/10-12,1983 Tokyo
- Feasibility study into the development of a center for information and exchanges
- The performing arts in the Asian region
12/04-16,1985 Seoul
- Promotion of cultural exchanges in both Asian and non-Asian regions
- General discussion on the draft for the UNESCO proposal for the establishment of an information center
- Business sponsorship of theatres
- The success and growth of the Hong Kong Philharmonic
12/18-21, 1986 Taipei
- Promoting arts to growing audience
12/17-19, 1987 Singapore
- Computerization in arts management and communication systems
- The law and arts management
01/14-15,1989 Yokohama
- Computer ticketing system in Japan
- Concert promotion in Japan: How concerts are organized and the roles of agents and local sponsors
01/11-15,1990 Macau
- New performing venues in the Asian region (Seoul Arts Center,
- Hong Kong Cultural Centre and other venues in Hong Kong, new performing halls in Tokyo, the Thailand Cultural Centre in Bangkok and the National Theatre and Concert Hall in Taipei
- Discussion for an Asian Music Festival organized by FACP
01/11-14,1991 Chian Mai
- Report on the conference for the Pacific-basin Performing Art
- Communication held in Tokyo in Nov.,1990 by Mr. Tadao Nakane, Secretary-General of the PBPAC
- Taxation, sponsorship, customs procedures and venue rentals in various countries within Asia
- Practical problems facing concert managers: how to improve the standard of promotion and performance
- A feasibility study of the FACP constitution and by-law
01/11-12,1992 Hong Kong
- Globalism vs.Regionalism: cultural identity dilemma
- How to create attractive projects
01/08-10, 1993 Kaoshiung
- Cross cultural arts collaboration in Asia, Production and promotion
- Effective programming of cultural exchanges
- Exploring social resources in cultural promotion
10/07-09,1994 Seoul
- Promotion of cultural contacts beyond Asian region
- Effective programming of cultural exchanges
- Exploring social resources in cultural promotion
01/06-08,1995 Kobe
- Networking and exchanges of data among managers' associations
- Promotion of the Asian performing arts to the rest of the world
- Strategy on programming for the future
01/05-07,1996 Melbourne
- Introduction to the Asian market
- Money-how to get it
- Asian influence on Australian music
01/14-16,1997 Hong Kong
- Government funding
- Private support
- Performing arts opportunity in China
- Arts marketing - new development in Asia-Pacific
02/05-07,1998 Manila
- Beyond boarders: GATT/WTO and cultural exchanges
- Strategies for increased regional cooperation
- Focus on Asia: Asian arts festival
- Focus on the Philippines
01/22-24,1999 Macau
- Strategies to coop with the economic crisis
- Balance of artistic activities between East and West
- Promises in the horizon: New performing arts centres in Asia
- Business and arts: toward a practical Utopia
01/21-23, 2000 Singapore
- Arts, people and places: a future viewpoint
- Co-production and collaboration
- New directions in arts management
- Conference and communications: surveys and open discussion
01/12-15,2001 Beijing
- Cultural exchanges with foreign countries
- Production and marketing management of the performing arts in China
- Heritage and traditional culture in China
- China's performing arts market
- The role of government in the development of performing arts
- Performing arts marketing in the information age
- Production of performing arts on commercial use
01/18-20,2002 Jeju
- Strategy for operating of the performing arts venues in the degital age
- Development of marketing tool for performing art in the digital age
- How to develop education programs for the art administration in the region
- Focus on Korea (cultural scene of the North Korea)
08/28-30, 2003 Tokyo
Cancelled due to SARS
05/28-30,2004 Shanghai
- How western performances get into the Chinese cultural market
- How the Chinese performances get into the western culture market
- What Shanghai can offer to the 2010 World Expo from the culture aspects
10/28-30,2005 Bangkok
- Management of the arts in Asia
- Latest development in China
- Information to the performing arts in Thailand
- Developing professional management skill
- Building and maintaining audiences
- Future prospects for the performing arts in Asia
- New trend in the performing arts
- Outlook for the traditional arts of Asia
- New venues in Asia
- Music in Asia
- Touring western musicals
- Creating new Asian-based musicals
09/21-25,2006 Urmuchi
- The varieties and management in Xinjiang
- Entertainment and culture - A blurring the line
- The reform of present China cultural system
- Problems and solution of national culture today
- Targey and function: how FACP should go
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